Scintrex data processing (CG3TOOL / CG5TOOL)
Interactive computer program to process Scintrex CG3/CG5 gravity data
Updated version for CG3/CG5 : CG5TOOL (by G. Gabalda and S. Bonvalot, BGI / IRD)
(Windows/Linux plateforms)
Contact :,
Original version (1995-2003) : CG3TOOL (by G. Gabalda and S. Bonvalot, BGI / IRD)
(Unix/Solaris plateform – no longer maintained)
Reference paper
Gabalda, G., Bonvalot, S., Hipkin, R., 2003. Interactive computer program to process Scintrex CG-3/3M gravity data for high resolution applications. Computers & Geosciences, 29, 2, pp. 155–171.
Gabalda_C&G_2003.pdf 759.58 kB
Technical notice (in french)
CG3TOOL_Notice_2000.pdf 6.05 MB